An invitation to have your BMW car or bike in the VIP indoor carpeted display area.

We have been invited to put member's cars and bikes (BMWs), 25 years or older, on display in the indoor carpeted VIP display area at this year's Historic Winton race meeting May 27 and 28.
Whilst it is preferred that cars and bikes bump in on Friday afternoon and bump out Sunday after the racing has finished, recognising that many will need to use their vehicles to get to and from their hotel, bump in on Saturday morning, out again Saturday evening, back in Sunday morning and out for good Sunday evening is acceptable. Times to be advised but expect the morning bump in to be early, 8 am or earlier perhaps.
This invitation is a distinct honour arising from BMW's links to the Austin 7 (the event is organised by the Austin 7 Club) - BMW's first car was an Austin 7 built under licence.
All vehicles indoors will receive free entry tickets for car/bike, driver/rider and passenger. Otherwise weekend adult entry costs $80 payable at the gate (unless we can get some more free tickets).
You will also be offered parade laps on one of the two days during the lunch break.
You will be able to watch the races. Walk in the paddock and pits. Talk with the crews (activities permitting). Enjoy the company. Show off your car or bike The race programme is largely the same each day, maybe a different order.
Historic Winton is Australia's largest and most popular all-historic motor race meeting. Enjoy a weekend of non-stop racing featuring over 400 historic racing cars and motorbikes from the 1920s to the 1980s as well as a huge array of veteran, vintage, rare and unusual vehicles on display.
Your vehicle does not have to be in concours condition but preference will be given to those in known good condition and/or which help tell the history of BMW. Vehicles must be at least 25 years old. To assist us in making the selection please send a recent photo to as well as registering here.
Please bring a drip tray if you can.
Once you have registered you should book accommodation as there will be loads of others doing the same!

BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
Any questions? Contact Lawrence Glynn at or on 0414 563 290.